If you'd like to support the site,
there are a couple of easy things you can do to help us out:


Sharing articles and reviews helps our content reach more potential readers and writers! It also works to expand our sphere of influence, so we can eventually achieve world domination.


As we all know, the internet is a bastion of even-tempered discussions and carefully considered arguments, so take part! If you agree or disagree with something you read, we'd love hear it.


Anyone can submit an article or review for the site. You'll be recognized in the byline, and we can offer compensation in the form of a sincere thank you and a virtual - potentially even physical (!) - high-five.

If you've done all that, and you still want to help:

We do accept donations. Donations could potentially help with:

  • Upgrading the servers
  • Purchasing a license for our CMS, to allow for more editor positions to open up (huh?)
  • Funding the development of a podcast to accompany the site
  • Help us cover the games we rent or buy for reviews

Hopefully, most of these things will happen eventually regardless of donation support, but it'd definitely speed things along.

If you'd like to donate, get in touch: mainmenureviews@gmail.com

Last, but not least:

Thank you. It means so much that people are interested in reading the articles here, and know that if you've taken the time to read through this page and done any of the above, I'm eternally grateful.